Monday, August 20, 2007

Grachen > Zermatt

Today was supposed to be the second to last day, we were going to walk up to the Europahut and then down to Zermatt tomorrow. We checked the weather and it was going to be cold (6c) and raining all day today and tomorrow, above 2000m (which is where we were going to spend all of our time). We opted for the more dry option of finishing our trek through the valley, to Zermatt.

After breakfast we caught the bus back to St. Niklaus and then headed out for the last 4 hours.

About an 1.5 in to, my hip and knee were really bothering me and Kevin was tired of walking, so we caught the train to Zermatt.

Once in Zermatt, we checked in to the bag yet (it was supposed to arrive on Friday, today is Monday). We ate a little, drank a little and waited for the post office to reopen at 2 to check on it.

Turns out we need the package number off of the receipt (which we probably threw away). If it doesn't arrive tomorrow before we leave, we will ask the hotel to ship it to us...I am sure that will be cheap.

Our tentative plan is to head to Lausanne tomorrow, then Geneva-London the next day. We are planning on meeting Paul in London for a pint and then head home on Thursday.

Its been a long, great walk. We both feel like we need a vacation from our vacation....and can't wait to see our photos.

Hopefully that bag will turn up.....

1 comment:

Mel said...

Hope you (and your bags) made it home safely! Can't wait to see some pictures!